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Showing posts from March, 2011

A website that you can find roof tile manufacturer in China

If you are a roof tile and roofing material importer, where do you find a reputable Chinese supplier ? Do you use Google? Yahoo!? Bing? But the truth is, Chinese roof tile manufacturers don't even have set up their websites to promote their roof products online. As I know, there're thousands of roof tile manufacturers in China, some start-up, some large enough with production capability over 500 million square meters annually. Most of them use B2B websites to display their products, for instance, and is reported by several traders and importers around the world, that they get forged and fake commodities from 'Golden Supplier' on You can find out more stories on Google search . I trust made-in-china on roof tile business, because I have no trouble in forged and fake. You can use their own search engine , the reputable and big roof tile manufacturers usually rank top three. You may name other B2B websites in China, b

Fangxing 109th Canton Fair Exhibition Booth

One of the most influential roof tile manufacturer, Fangxing, have announced their upcoming 109th Canton Fair booth number lately. According to message board on their official web blog, the booth No. is arranged at 22-23 in Exbition Room 10.2. The time of Canton Fair Construction Material exibition is from April 15th to 19th 2011. Fangxing is the top roofing material manufacturer and supplier in China , it's said that local governments' building projects use Fangxing PVC and UPVC roof tile only. Fangxing latest innovation is solar slate tile (BIPV), integration of solar photovoltaic module and slate roof tile. Useful links you may find more information on Canton Fair: 1. Canton Fair from Wiki 2. Canton Fair Official Website

Standard Solar Discount for Maryland Customer

Standard Solar Inc. today announced "Double Your Savings" spring promotion for new residential customers. The company's discount offer includes a match equal to the estimated solar savings off the first two months' utility bills. Standard Solar is offering these savings to help people to go solar sooner and take advantage of government incentives while they last. Standard Solar has installed nearly 1,000 residential systems in the Mid-Atlantic region, offering full-service design and maintenance for their customers.

Solar Car Project?

Even though I put all of my attention on solar roof project around the world, a solar car project leaded by Stanford students distract me. Apparently, they are doing it good. A 1985 Matsuura CNC 3-axis mill, that's the raw material they are working on. Look at the picture on their blog , the mill was fully equiped with solar panels. I don't know the conversion rate of silicon cells they are using, but I think I can provide them some if they need. However, what they want to prove is simple that a solar power car can be made and drive. Great job, Stanford students!

How much you can save without electricity bill

After reading a blog post, The average homeowner will pay $150,000 for electricity during the next 25 years , I assume most families are willing to change their ideas to electricity. The solar power will replace electricity, that's what I believe in. But it needs to do too much work, and the first thing is let people know what benefit solar power brings. Solar power have been successfully integrated into a lot of nesessities for our life, such as water heater, LED lightening, roof tile and even auto mobile. BIPV products are playing an important role in modern life. It's green energy, though sometimes you need buy some fittings and accessories to 'power' the BIPV product. The problem by now is consumer sit tight. Why? One reason I guess is 'it's too expensive'. Frankly, it's costly to invest on solar equipment. For example, a set of in-grid system solar tileroof is about USD30,000-40,000 for a residential building. But in return, the whole set will gene