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How much you can save without electricity bill

After reading a blog post, The average homeowner will pay $150,000 for electricity during the next 25 years, I assume most families are willing to change their ideas to electricity.

The solar power will replace electricity, that's what I believe in. But it needs to do too much work, and the first thing is let people know what benefit solar power brings.

Solar power have been successfully integrated into a lot of nesessities for our life, such as water heater, LED lightening, roof tile and even auto mobile. BIPV products are playing an important role in modern life. It's green energy, though sometimes you need buy some fittings and accessories to 'power' the BIPV product.

The problem by now is consumer sit tight. Why? One reason I guess is 'it's too expensive'. Frankly, it's costly to invest on solar equipment. For example, a set of in-grid system solar tileroof is about USD30,000-40,000 for a residential building. But in return, the whole set will generate 15°electricity per day.

Another reason is, people don't have idea about how the solar power equipment works. They didn't see the real benifit because people around them have not installed yet, there is nothing but news report only. A show house equipped with BIPV is a good idea to promote. Now the question came to sellers, would they like to spend a few thousands to install?

The BIPV products are not good enough in that conversion rate is a little bit low. However, the photovoltaic module manufacturer keeps improving, I remember, some solar panel has achieved 75%. Possibly that's the future of BIPV.


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