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Jokes on roof story

A rich businessman was away enjoying his holiday in the Bahamas, when one evening he received a call from home. It was his butler. “Sir, I am very sorry to call you at this time,” he said, “but I figured that you should be informed right away. You see, your beloved cat somehow got onto the roof and fell. I am afraid the animal is dead now.”

Expecting grief at this news, the butler was startled at his employer’s response: “Hey! Hey! Don’t they teach you anything in butler school?”

Before his servant could reply the man went on: “You don’t just spring stuff like that on people. You always give bad news by degrees. What you should have done is send me a series of telegrams.

The first one says, ‘Your cat is on the roof.’ Then the next one: ‘Cat fallen off roof.’ Then another one: ‘Cat in critical condition; prognosis poor.’ Then, when I’m prepared, you understand, I get: ‘Cat deceased.’ See? That’s how you give someone bad news.”

The butler, of course, could only apologize profusely and assure his employer this gaffe would never occur again. The businessman tried to put the whole thing out of his mind and enjoy the rest of his holiday as best he could. A week later, just as he was starting to relax once more, he received a telegram.

It said: “Your mother is on the roof.”



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