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Showing posts from April, 2011

Wake Forest Uni. New Solar-Thermal Device

David Carroll, the director of the Center for Nanotechnology and Molecular Materials in Wake Forest, announced a new solar panel system, which will convert both solar power from sunlight and sun heat in the air. “It’s a systems approach to making your home ultra-efficient because the device collects both solar energy and heat,” he said. As described, the new solar device generate 75% more electricity than usual rooftop solar panel. The whole solar device will shave the cost of heating a home by as much as 40 percent. What makes it special from other solar panel is, it can convert 75% of the longest wavelengths of light – infrared heat into energy, which solar panel cannot. What's more, this new device uses a fluid that flows through a roof-mounted module to collect heat from the sun. It's a great improvement in solar energy exploitment, even though there's no picture about how the new solar device looks like. Anyway, congratulation to the developers in Wake Forest Uni. , ni